Subtext of the Play

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Tamar Kutateladze


XX century, the play was based on a distinct directorial concept that was saturated with a heterogeneous subtext. The metaphorical art of theatrical art, formed during the most difficult period of the Soviet era, still retains its prestigious positions in the 21st century. The director is considered a public figure of his time, a distinguished person, an eternally modern and “young” philosopher. The  theater has become a “niche” where the director of the play, in collaboration with a team of collaborators and mainly with shelter, “tells” a new parable with some hints.

Some of the stagings of the twentieth and twenty-fi rst centuries contain a number of prophetic passages. Numerous directorial concepts of the twentieth century are modern and impressive from today’s point of view. In them, the director’s astonishing imagination, rare professional culture, critical creative approach to the trends of contemporary art processes, clear position towards the existing reality of art form and essence are noticeable.

From the twentieth century, the theatrical space has become a kind of arena for bold experiments. When performing a visual “icon” - in the construction or painting decoration on the stage, in the play of certain objects or costumes, in their color combinations, gloomy colors, generalizations or plastic “modulations”, the director’s opinion, his rebellion is carefully but skillfully expressed.

In this paper presents the following directors of the Russian and Georgian theaters of the XX and XXI centuries: V. Meierhold, e. Vakhtangov, I. Lubimov, s. Akhmeteli, K. Marjanishvili, M. Tumanishvili, R. Sturua, and, several important passages from G. Margvelashvili’s performances.

ვახტანგოვი, მარჯანიშვილი, ახმეტელი, ლუბიმოვი, მარგველაშვილი, ქვეტექსტი, სცენური მოქმედება , თეატრალური ექსპერიმენტი
Published: Dec 20, 2021

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Theater Studies