Art in the Postmedia Age

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Revaz Tchitchinadze


• a kind of echo of the change in the space of social communication. The demand of the media product users obviously led to the diversity of media
product delivery platforms. The process of media evolution is underway, which is accompanied by numerous changes in the journalistic profession, but despite this evolution - digital technology, changing the forms of journalistic product, the essence of the profession - to broadcast, spreading checked information, is unchanged. As soon as personal computers became available among population, a
new, digital communication environment was immediately created, which is in the process of constant development.
• The new media signifi cantly changes not only journalism, but it also gives birth to the new genres of art. On the way to the evolution of art, the searching for new forms of expression is a natural, irreversible process. Accordingly, the new media has created a new art - media art. It is an art form whose works are created by the digital platform, or
use new technologies. Some of researchers consider art as  a media. As much as any work of art will appeal to the audience (for whom it is created), it also includes the communication process, which in the case of art is within the bounds of aesthetic
communication. However, it should also be noted that aesthetic communication was carried out in diff erent eras with diff erent technologies. In the era of new media, these technologies have become more and more in line with media technologies, which means that digital technologies are the main line of transmitting any information, including aesthetic communication.

• New media art is often considered as a part of postmodernist culture, although some researchers, when analyzing the history of new media art, come to the conclusion that this process is the refl ection of Postmedia condition. History shows that technology has made some changes in art. Today’s processes shows that the new media art takes the archetype
of the old, traditional media. In this process the medium is the means, it does not matter what will be the material. It might be paint, natural stone or modern technology.

• Based on the opinions of various artists and researchers, several trends emerge that are likely to be relevant in the art after 20 years. According to the forecast: By 2040, under the influence of the mass media, art will become much more inclusive and accessible. In the future, art may not look like art in the modern sense, but it will still reflect the spirit of the era.

Postmedia Age, New Media, Media Art, Interconnected Network, Digital Code, Transmedia
Published: Dec 20, 2021

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Media Studies